Stake In The Ground
'It's fire and water, it's life and death. That's the crux of it.' Wendy Vink
Eleven Poets coming from a range of backgrounds and experiences present a collection of poems. Their spiritual roots are varied – Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, no category. But they share a common sense of a bigger reality. The collection explores life, but always underneath there is that strong, or faint, sense of mystery.
This collection of poems comes from two decades of writing together. The poets are Martin de Jong, Trish Harris, Adrienne Jansen, Amanda Keogh, Judy McMillan, Anne Powell, Peter Rawnsley, Miriam Richardson, Barbara Sampson, Wendy Vink, and Michael Watson.
Paperback: A5 100pgs
Cover image: Amanda Keogh
Published November 2024
ISBN Print 978-1-99-118548-8
ISBN Epub 978-1-99-118549-5
Price: $15.00 + Post and Packaging.
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